Services  /  Marketing & Customer Experience

CMO Coaching & Advisory Services

CMO Coaching 

Modern marketing is challenging, which is one of the primary reasons that CMOs (Chief Marketing Officers) have the shortest tenure in the C suite. CMO coaching is designed to elevate and support marketing leaders or emerging marketing leaders. While marketing leaders greatly benefit from CMO Coaching, it can also support executives in other functions where marketing responsibility has been added to their remit.

CMO Coaching is useful to support leaders who:

  • Haven been given broadened or increased responsibilities.
  • Are going through, or wish to embark on, a marketing transformation.
  • Need a partner to bring strong technical and digital skills to the table. 
  • Seek to broaden marketing function to drive the customer experience agenda. 
  • Were hired from outside the sector and could use help getting up to speed with the nuances of associations, publishers, and educational-focused organizations. 

CMO Coaching delivers:

  • Focus & Accountability—Personalized objectives are clearly defined and monitored. Progress is maintained through regular calls and workshops.
  • Strategic Insight & Perspective—A sounding board to help refine or ratify strategic decisions. Fresh new ideas and perspectives to stimulate creativity and challenge assumptions.
  • Development & Expertise—Training and skills development in leadership, change management, and modern marketing design. Experience and expertise to help with both the strategic and tactical aspects of Marketing.
  • Support & Impact—A safe space to work through tricky issues. Strategic and emotional support during challenging marketing transformations. Guidance on how to increase Marketing’s organizational impact and to drive cross-functional alignment.


Coaching is delivered by Colleen Scollans a battle tested CMO with extensive experience leading marketing change and transformation.

Please note that CMO Coaching is an organizational-only service offering. We currently do not provide CMO coaching to individuals without an organizational sponsor.