
C&E Announces Editorial Honoraria Benchmarking Study in Biomedicine

April 7, 2021

Clarke & Esposito (C&E) announces the start of recruitment for a multi-client benchmarking study focused on editorial honoraria and other related editorial metrics. The aim of the study is to provide participants with information to make better evidenced-based decisions related to journal publishing. Questions that the study will seek to answer for participants include:

  • Is our editorial honoraria compensation competitive so we can attract and retain key talent?
  • What impact does level of submissions have in deciding the number of associate editors we need?
  • How many peer review support staff do we have compared to competitors (normalized for submission volume)?
  • What factors should we consider in setting editorial compensation (e.g., impact factor, submission volume, percentage of time devoted to the journal), and how do they compare to comparable journals?
  • What percentage of papers do we “desk-reject” compared to other journals?
  • How does our percentage of within-portfolio transfer papers compare to other journals?

We will address these and many other questions in our first annual multi-client study. The study is open to all society-owned journals, whether published independently or via a publishing services agreement with a commercial publisher. The initial study cohort will focus on biomedical journals, but we plan to open it up to other disciplines (life sciences, physical sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities) later in the year.

If you are interested in participating, please contact us no later than April 30, 2021 (the cutoff date for the 2021 Biomedicine study).

For more information including the participation fee for your organization, please contact us at