transformative agreement Collection

From the Scholarly Kitchen

Quantifying Consolidation in the Scholarly Journals Market

February 19, 2024  |  By

Historical analysis of bibliometric trends shows scholarly publishing market consolidation over the years. These changes are linked to the emergence of The Big Deal subscription model and Open Access initiatives that have forced publishers into a rapid shift towards new business models focused on volume and scalability.
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Achieving open, visible, and impactful research at scale. Where have we got to and what’s next?

October 24, 2023  |  By

C&E Managing Partner Michael Clarke moderated a panel at the STM Conference 2023 in Frankfurt on the shift to open access (OA) publishing models and the potential for OA to improve research visibility and impact. The discussion covered current OA models, progress to date in the transition to OA, and how STM publishers can continue to adapt and evolve.
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