Services  /  Marketing & Customer Experience

Marketing Playbooks & Workshops

Marketing Playbooks

Designed as roadmaps for marketing teams, marketing playbooks provide strategies, action-oriented recommendations, and best practices for marketing teams.

We offer focused playbooks in specific areas of marketing. Below are some of our featured playbooks: 

GTM Playbook 

Our GTM (go-to-market) playbook helps organizations successfully launch new products, services, or business models. We can also help originations looking to grow or pivot their current offerings. 

Campaign Model & Playbook

Our Campaign Model & Playbook creates a campaign planning process and framework for organizations planning annual and seasonal campaigns.  We help clients move from siloed planning in disparate spreadsheets to a campaign planning model (a custom-built campaign planning database) that provides unprecedented visibility and alignment across the organization. 

Open Access Marketing Playbook 

Designed for organizations looking to optimize open access author marketing and author experience, our Open Access Marketing Playbook provides strategies and implementation guidance across the pillars of data, technology, branding & communications, and digital marketing.  

Audience Development & Engagement Playbook

Our Audience Development & Engagement playbook helps organizations better leverage their marketing and content strategy content to engage existing audiences, attract new audiences, and drive key conversion goals.  We help organizations engage members, subscribers, readers, authors, and other key audiences. 


The pace of marketing change is rapid, and the commitment to learning and development often sets organizations apart from their competitors. Clarke & Esposito delivers interactive workshops to help train, educate, and elevate marketing teams as well as other team members wishing to learn more about new developments in marketing. 

Marketing workshops are crafted in collaboration with clients to ensure learning objectives are met. With robust questions and answers, attendees walk away with new insights, best practices, practical advice, and inspiration. As a result, marketing workshops provide a cost and time efficient way to learn about a new marketing area. 

Contact C&E to develop a workshop for your team today.